As cheer coaches and staff members, we feel pretty strongly about #trust – in fact, we recognize its presence and talk about it… A. LOT.
We know you parents are placing your #trust in the coaches and staff that interact with and teach your kids daily.
We ask our athletes to #trust themselves…
#trust their teammates…
#trust their coaches…
and we ask everyone to #trust the process. But what does that mean?
Perfection before progression!
In this post, we want to familiarize you with the connection between #trust and perfection before progression – the way of life at Fusion Athletics!
Perfection before progression means that your child can deliver a skill – whether tumbling, warrior, or cheer – with confidence, without a spotter, and consistently – BEFORE they move on to the next advanced skill. What it doesn’t mean is that we watch an athlete do something once or shakily and then advance them along like throwing a new swimmer into the deep end of the pool.
We want your athlete to continue loving the activities they enjoy most at Fusion Athletics and that means that we ensure they’re ready to move on before we advance them. Sometimes it means that we even have to have the tough conversation about taking a couple steps back when we see an athlete develop a struggle with a skill they had seemingly mastered. And…that’s ok. Yes, you read that right. That’s. OK.
Let’s look at an example. Think of a person you know that used to be a confident runner. And then, for whatever reason, their running slowed in both true speed and frequency. The person goes on some runs and struggles with hills, or sprints, but rather than allowing his/herself to take a step back and maybe go back to intervals, they keep pushing and pushing until they sustain injury – both physical and mental. Is it worth it? NO
Cheer, tumbling, and warrior develops some really awesome skills…warped walls, crazy tumbling skills, and intense stunts…but that’s not why we do it. We do it because it teaches determination, resilience, and trust! Those skills are there whether we’re working Level 1 or Level 5, climbing half way up the warped wall, or just finding the courage to try it for the first time. That’s the stuff that’s worth it and lasts a lifetime! #trustus